Jacques Bogart Silver Scent Has Signature Status
Ready to find your new signature scent? Turn to Jacques Bogart Silver Scent, all of them are compliment getters.
A great signature scent will fit any vibe you’re in the mood for—even if that vibe is just smelling your best. If you haven’t found your signature scent yet or are looking to switch things up for the season, you’re in luck. The Jacques Bogart Silver Scent Eau de toilette trio has signature status built for the man with class and style. And the affordability factor makes it a must-have in every man’s fragrance wardrobe. In short, whichever Silver Scent man you choose, you'll sure to find a scent that will connect with your personality.
Since its creation in 1975, Jacques Bogart Paris has continued to assert its position in a masculine world where virility and strength of character reign. The Bogart signature remains faithful to its founding principles and all Jacques Bogart fragrances leave a powerful scent characterised by a decidedly masculine elegance.